How communicating with your tenants has changed
Changes to tenancy laws, including how you communicate with your tenants, smoking bans, and hearings, happen on 20 March 2025. Find out what it means for you.
Changes to tenancy laws, including how you communicate with your tenants, smoking bans, and hearings, happen on 20 March 2025. Find out what it means for you.
Gift card rules are changing next year. Now is a good time to understand what’s happening and update your systems so that you are ready.
Get ready for the minimum wage increases now so that you are paying your employees the correct rate next month. Find out more.
If you recruit migrants under the Accredited Employer Work Visa there have been recent changes that will impact you and your employees. Find out more.
Are you a private landlord? Make sure your rental properties meet the healthy homes standards by 1 July 2025. Find out what to do now.
Easy-to-use online tool lets you enter your pay data to calculate your gender pay gap, with helpful tips on what to do next.
If your business is struggling to compete because of the actions of a powerful business, it’s possible that the behaviour of that business is illegal.
If you import or manufacture hazardous substances there are changes ahead for reporting, packaging and labelling that you need to be aware of.
There have been recent fires in bathrooms with the Serene S2068 heater installed. Check your heaters now to keep you and your business premises safe.
We’re expanding the ways you can access information and tools, whether you’re a small business or a manufacturer.
With a mentor's help, you could reach more customers, work more efficiently, and grow faster in the digital world. Find out more.
Did you know that if you have experienced flight delays or cancellations with Jetstar you may be eligible for compensation? Find out what you need to do.
Exciting changes are coming to the way we provide learning resources from Digital Boost.
If you or your business own a commercial unit title property, or are a landlord or owner of a unit title property, learn about recent law changes.
Want to make your business more secure online but don’t know how to? Unmask Cyber Crime is a new video series on cyber security basics just for you.
This World Standards Day we’re sharing all the ways that standards can help your business improve and grow.
If you’re running sales and promotions during Black Friday and Christmas make sure they are fair and legal.
We’ve introduced a new logo – GoBusiness – and have refreshed our homepage. Find out what’s new.
Standards don’t happen by accident – they’re the result of committees of industry users coming together to agree on good practice. Interested? Get involved.
If you provide shares to employees through an employee share scheme (ESS), it’s important you understand your tax obligations.