Video transcript: Employment Agreement Builder
[Blue screen background with gentle, upbeat music playing. The logo rises to centre screen with white lettering and “presents” underneath it, moving in time. Logo and “presents” fades replaced with “Employment Agreement Builder” floating up into centre screen.]
[Screen changes to mid-shot of a woman with dark hair, brown eyes, wearing a black blouse over a white shirt. She begins to speak directly to the camera.]
Speaker: When you’re a sole-trader or even a small family business you may not think too much about terms of employment.
[Shot zooms in to a profile shot]
Speaker: But at some stage in your business journey, you may need to employ people and as your team expands, employment agreements are important.
[Shot returns to a mid-shot. Screen changes to the Employment Agreement Tool’s homepage, scrolling slowly from the top of the page to the bottom. After a few seconds it changes to a page within the tool, ‘Position’. While showing this page, the drop down ‘About this clause’ is opened.]
Speaker: With’s Employment Agreement Builder tool, it’s easy to create one without spending hours and a fair bit of money at a lawyer’s office.
[Screen changes back to the mid-shot of the speaker.]
Speaker: A written employment agreement is a legal requirement, and it's a great foundation for an employment relationship.
[Screen changes to a scanning shot of two men in a garage with hood of a car open in front of them and a boot of van open behind them. The man positioned on the right is holding an engine part and the man on the left approaches him and pats his arm. They both smile.]
[Screen then changes to a scanning shot of the same garage but in a new area. Three men are around a red car with the hood propped up. Two of the men are crouched down by the front left tyre. The third man is observing them, standing.]
[Screen changes again to a woman working from home with a projector on to her right. She is sat at a desk in front of a desktop computer.]
[Screen changes again to woman adjusting clothes that are on a mannequin in front of her. Sun is shining from behind her. The frame changes to an over the shoulder shot of her spinning a mannequin around and adjusting the sleeve of a jacket. The shot changes once again to a long shot of the same woman behind a counter, interacting with a tablet. The shot is framed by a rack of clothes.]
Speaker: It helps you and your employee be clear on what the employee needs to do; what to do if things aren’t going well; and the benefits and obligations you’ve agreed to.
[The shot changes back to the mid-shot of the speaker]
Speaker: With the Employment Agreement Builder Tool, you can create agreements tailored to your business needs for each person you employ.
[Shot changes to a series of close-up shots of people working within the garage. The image is dimmed out, as it flicks between removing products from packaging, and tools being handed to people. The words “Pay”, “Leave”, “Sick Leave”, “Health and Safety”, “Dispute resolution”, and “Redundancy” appear one by one on the screen in white font.]
Speaker: It covers topics like pay, leave, sick leave, health and safety, dispute resolution, redundancy and more.
[The screen changes back to the mid-shot of the speaker. A white oval appears lower centre of the screen with a small globe on the far left beside text: “”. A mouse hovers from the left hand over the screen to above the text and the hovers off screen to the right.]
Speaker: You can find the tool at
[The screen changes back to the homepage of the Employment Agreement Builder tool. A mouse hovers up from the bottom of the screen and clicks the ‘Get started’ button. This changes the screen to the “Position” page of the tool. The mouse then hovers down the left-hand menu. Changing from ‘Application’ to ‘Terms’ to ‘Remuneration and Benefits’ to ‘Leave’ to ‘General Provisions’.]
Speaker: The tool helps you build an agreement step-by-step, providing you with options to choose between and appropriate wording for each choice. There are plenty of tips to help you decide what to put in your agreement — and what not to put in.
[The screen changes to a close of the ‘Position’ page of the tool. It focuses on the top left corner of the page. A black mouse hovers over the Mandatory symbol on the top banner. It then moves to the Recommended symbol when the speaker says “recommended”. Lastly the mouse moves to the Optional symbol when the speaker says “optional”.]
Speaker: You get advice on what is mandatory - things you must include by law - what is recommended and what is optional.
[The screen zooms out back to the normal view of the tool. This time on the ‘Public holidays’ page. It scrolls down to the bottom of the page with the “Common mistakes” accordion open. It zooms in to the bullet points. The screen changes to show just the Common mistakes information with a blue background behind it. This changes to the ‘Tips’ information after a couple seconds. This is before the screen changes to a page on the website – ‘What you need to know about policies and procedures. This page is then scrolled through as the speaker continues.]
Speaker: The tool points out common mistakes and how to avoid them. Plus, it provides links to helpful guides for other documents which go with the agreement, like a job description - or which the agreement may refer to, like policies and procedures.
[The screen reverts to the mid-shot of the speaker.]
Speaker: It only takes about 30 minutes to complete a customised agreement using the tool.
[Screen changes back to a page within the tool. This time the ‘Rules, policies & procedures’ page. The mouse moves from the bottom of the screen over to the top right banner and clicks the ‘Save’ button. This causes a pop up with information and a box to insert your email.]
Speaker: You can save it part way through if you want and come back to it later.
[The screen changes to a profile shot of the speaker.]
Speaker: When you’re finished,
[The screen changes back to the ‘Position’ page but with a close of the top right of the tool. Focused on the part of the banner that has the ‘Save’, ‘Subscribe’, ‘Finish’, ‘Start again’ and ‘Search’ buttons. The mouse moves over and clicked the ‘Finish’ button. The screen then changes to a word document version of the Employment Agreement with a blue background. It starts at the top of this document, then fades into the ‘Your tips’ section of the document, then fades to the ‘Your to-do list’ section of the document.]
Speaker: The completed agreement will be emailed to you, along with a suggested offer letter, a summary of tips and common mistakes tailored to your business, and a to-do list of suggestions for your next steps.
[The screen then changes to a profile shot of the speaker.]
Speaker: Both the offer letter and agreement can be edited so you can adjust the letter content, change styles and add logos to match your branding.
[The screen changes to a mid-shot of the speaker.]
Speaker: Because the tool is so quick to use, you can use it for every new agreement, rather than editing existing ones or using templates.
[The screen changes to a wide shot of a café/bar. A waiter interacts with a male customer, sat down at one of the tables before walking away. It changes again to a man walking towards a printer in a printing house. He presses on the screen of the printer. The shot changed to an over the shoulder shot of the same man, watching the printer as it prints. The screen then changes again to a high angle shot of a woman working from home. She has one hand on her mouse and is looking at a laptop in front of her. The shot changes to a close up of her hands typing from the side. The shot changes again to two people standing in front of a desktop in a home office. One of the people are gesturing at the screen while the other listens with their hands on their hips. The shot changes to a close up of the person’s hands who was gesturing.]
Speaker: That way you make sure the agreement is right for each individual, is up to date with employment legislation and you avoid accidentally leaving in details related to another employee. Growing your team can really stretch your resources.
[The screen changes to the home screen of the Employment Agreement Builder tool before changing back to the ‘Position’ page within the tool. After a few seconds the screen changes back to a profile shot of the speaker.]
Speaker: The Employment Agreement Builder Tool saves you time and money, and gives you peace of mind, by making it free and easy to create your own robust employment agreements to provide a solid foundation for your employee relationships.
[Screen changes to a mid-shot of the speaker. A white oval appears lower centre of the screen with a small globe on the far left beside text: “”. A mouse hovers from the left hand over the screen to above the text and the hovers off screen to the right.]
Speaker: So don’t let this task get in the way of building your team and your business - head to and get your agreements sorted.
[The screen changes back to a full blue screen. The upbeat music swells as the logo lifts into the centre of the screen before fading out. The Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment, Hīkina Whakatutuki logo and the New Zealand Government, Te Kāwanatanga o Aotearoa logos then fade into view on either side of each other.]
[Video ends.]