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Government agencies can help when you export

If you’re dreaming of selling to the world and making your brand a household name, maybe you can. Draw on the resources that government agencies have developed to support exporters like you. 

Anyone can export, and it’s easy to do accidentally without realising it. But exporting successfully over the long term requires careful thought and planning. What can you export? What permits do you need? What taxes do you pay, and in which country? Where can you go for help if you hit a barrier?

What you need to know about exporting

You don’t need to figure things out alone. Experts from government agencies have drawn on years of experience and created resources for both new and experienced exporters. Different agencies offer different resources, so you’re sure to find something that meets your needs and suits your learning style. 

How agencies can help with exporting

Watch these videos for a short summary of how these agencies can help, see further down the page for more information.

New Zealand Trade and Enterprise (NZTE) | Te Taurapa Tūhono

NZTE focuses on helping all businesses find success overseas. They offer advice, specialist expertise and in-market support to businesses internationally. Do three things to make the most of what they offer.

Explore myNZTE 

Tap into NZTE’s resources on exporting.

Tap into NZTE’s resources on exporting.

Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) | Manatū Ahu Matua

MPI supports New Zealand’s food and fibre sectors across the whole export chain. They also set and enforce export rules.

MPI’s work helps maintain the reputation of New Zealand’s primary industries in overseas markets, and supports export growth.

Learn about how MPI can help you

New Zealand Customs Service (Customs) | Te Mana Ārai o Aotearoa

Customs focuses on New Zealand’s border. They promote the country’s international trade. They work with other countries’ customs agencies to make sure lawful travellers and items can move in and out of the country smoothly. They also seize illegal imports and exports, collect duties (payments) for the government, and manage sanctions (penalties) for other government agencies.

Learn about exports and customs

Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade (MFAT) | Manatū Aorere

MFAT focuses on New Zealand’s relationships with the rest of the world.

For example, they:

  • pursue the government’s international goals
  • advise the government how events in the rest of the world could affect New Zealand
  • promote free and open trade.

Their focus on trade will be especially relevant to you if you’re thinking of exporting. 

Learn about how MFAT can help you

New Zealand Export Credit (NZEC) | Te Tai Ōhunga

NZEC helps New Zealand’s exporters and their suppliers grow. NZEC provides financial guarantees and insurance when a bank or insurer may not be able to help. 

Make the most of their solutions for you

Other government agencies that can help

The following agencies can also help if you have non-tariff issues (non-tax issues).

Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE)

If you’re a manufacturer trying to export and you face barriers, MBIE can help with:

Education New Zealand (ENZ)

If you teach international students, either in New Zealand or overseas, you’re exporting. Education New Zealand can help you if you export education services, and you face barriers like:

Trade Barriers Export Helpdesk Kaweake Tēpu Āwihina

The Trade Barriers Export Helpdesk helps exporters overcome trade barriers

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