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Launching a new way to help you grow and thrive

Launching a new way to help you grow and thrive

We’re expanding the ways you can access information and tools, whether you’re a small business or a manufacturer, that will help you grow and reach your full potential. 


Small businesses – like you – have told us that they want easy-to-find information from government to help them grow and export. You want content that’s clear, simple and helps you take the next step in growing your business, beyond the early stage of getting set up. 

We’ve heard you!  And that’s why we’ve created a digital landing zone to help you grow: GoBusiness. 

It’s got tools, resources and guidance that you need the most when you’re looking to grow and export. 

Discover information to help you:

  • manage your cashflow
  • hire and manage people
  • train your people
  • understand tax and finance
  • explore exporting
  • market your business online
  • discover grants and funding
  • learn about data for business.

Welcome to GoBusiness! 

GoBusiness(external link)



We’ve also launched a new landing zone called GoManufacturing.

It’s designed to help New Zealand manufacturers reach their full potential. It’s also for you if you’re thinking of getting into manufacturing and are keen to understand what’s involved.

Created with experts in manufacturing, it’s got information about:

  • manufacturing in New Zealand
  • improving productivity
  • lean manufacturing
  • career pathways
  • data for manufacturers
  • funding and support
  • Industry 4.0 and strategic planning.

Welcome to GoManufacturing!

GoManufacturing(external link)


To make it easier for you to find information from a range of government agencies, we’ve gathered together the most common services you’ll be interacting with when you’re in business.

New Zealand Business Number, Inland Revenue, Accident Compensation Corporation (ACC), eInvoicing, and others are included in our handy e-services page.

E-services - GoBusiness(external link)

Let us know what you think

We’re keen to improve our content on the GoBusiness and GoManufacturing pages. You’ll see a comment box at the bottom of many pages. Feel free to answer the one question and share your feedback with us.

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