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Recruitment options for your business

Recruitment options for your business

The government offers lots of different kinds of help for employers to find staff, volunteers and apprentices. These services can make the process easier, more efficient and cheaper too.

Work and Income’s no-cost recruiting services

Work and Income offers a wide range of fast, efficient and no-cost recruiting services that can be specifically tailored for your business.

You can use their recruiting services to:

  • list a vacancy
  • search for suitable candidates on free jobseeker databases
  • recruit temporary or permanent workers.

Call them to find out more about how you can get help to find the right staff.

Employers(external link) — Work and Income

Services for employers(external link) — Work and Income

0800 778 008 — Work and Income Employer line

Partner with Work and Income to fill a labour shortage

Through the Industry Partnerships(external link) programme, Work and Income works with organisations and employers to find and train workers to fill skill or labour shortages.

Work and Income typically forms Industry Partnerships with:

  • large industry employers
  • national industry associations
  • Chambers of Commerce
  • large retail chains.

Call them to find out more about how you can get help to find the right staff.

0800 778 008 — Work and Income Employer line 


If your industry has an Industry Training Organisation (ITO) you can take on an apprentice. Apprentices work towards a qualification while they get practical experience in your business as a paid employee.

Taking on an apprentice can be a great move if you want to:

  • increase your workplace expertise
  • upskill existing employees
  • develop a training culture in the workplace
  • teach an apprentice new skills and give them a career
  • bring new knowledge and ideas into your business
  • ensure your business’s future by recruiting and grooming the right people.

Apprenticeships can be offered to anyone over the age of 16 who is interested in a career in your industry. There is no upper age limit.

You can also apply for Apprenticeship Boost which is a payment made to employers to help them keep and take on new apprentices.

The payment is made directly to employers. It means apprentices can keep earning while training towards their qualifications.

Apprenticeship Boost is available until the end of December 2023.

For more information on Apprenticeship Boost and how to apply click on the link below.

Apprenticeship Boost(external link) — Work and Income

Apprenticeships(external link) — Tertiary Education Commission

Government help with training

You must play an active part in their training — in a training plan agreed between you, your apprentice and the relevant ITO — and your apprentice must be working towards a recognised qualification. 

To see if you’re ready to take this step, it is best to speak to your ITO. You can also contact the Tertiary Education Commission (the TEC) to learn more about the New Zealand Apprenticeships scheme.

Contact us(external link) — Tertiary Education Commission (the TEC)

Work experience for job seekers

Work and Income can help you offer someone up to four weeks with your business on work experience, at no cost to you. 

You get the chance to see whether a potential employee would suit your company, and the employee gets to hone their skills to enter (or re-enter) the workforce.

If you would like to offer work experience or find out more about the programme, get in touch with Work and Income.

800 778 008 —  Work and Income Employer line

Disabled workers' recruitment and funding

Workbridge is a not-for-profit organisation that works with disabled jobseekers to help them into employment.

They can:

  • help you select candidates matched to the position(s) available
  • help candidates prepare for job interviews
  • give you advice and support through the recruitment and training process
  • advise you on financial subsidies you may be eligible for, such as special equipment
  • help settle in the new employee, if required.

If you have a vacancy that could be filled by a disabled person, get in touch with Workbridge to talk through the options.

Employing disabled people(external link) — Workbridge

0508 858 858 — Workbridge

Employment for disabled people(external link) — Employment New Zealand

Changes to the workplace are not needed in most cases when hiring a disabled jobseeker — but funding is available if required.

Changes to the workplace are not needed in most cases when hiring a disabled jobseeker — but funding is available if required.

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