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Is it your time to shine on a standards development committee?

Is it your time to shine on a standards development committee?

Standards don’t just happen by accident – they are the result of committees of industry users coming together to agree on what is good practice. And those committees need people like you.

What are standards?

Standards are voluntary or mandatory guidance developed by those who use them. 

They are used to do the right thing and meet regulation, such as those for health and safety or those used by plumbers, builders, and electricians, for example. 

Or they are used for competitive edge or to be more efficient, resilient, and provide customer assurance, like standards for cyber security, environmental practice, and quality management.

Who makes standards?

Standards don’t just happen by accident – they are the result of committees of industry users coming together to agree on what is good practice. And those committees need people like you.

Standards development committee members come from all walks of life, representing large, or small to medium businesses, or self-employed contractors. 

They are central to creating new standards, reviewing and revising existing standards, and adopting and modifying international standards. 

Standards are written by committees of volunteers who dedicate their time and knowledge to the job leaving industry peers with a lasting legacy.

"I believe committees need a good balance of younger and older, more experienced people and not just those involved in policy writing, but creatives, innovators and pragmatists."

—Alison Holt, IT specialist and committee chair

Learn more and apply

Standards New Zealand – who manage the development of and access to standards – have created a new video introducing you to the benefits of being on a committee: building great professional networks, being at the forefront of shaping the standards you use, learning from others in your sector and being part of a team.

Watch: Help make standards and shape the future of your industry(external link) Standards New Zealand YouTube channel

There are hundreds of opportunities across ISO - International Organization for Standardization and IEC - International Electrotechnical Commission standards committees.

You can also get involved in joint Australian/New Zealand standards developed with Standards Australia or those used just for New Zealand industries. 

Learn more and take the next step with an expression of interest.

Help make standards(external link)  Standards New Zealand

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