is here to make it easier and quicker for small businesses to understand and comply with government, get on with their businesses and succeed.
We do this by packaging information and advice from across government into tools and resources, designed with small businesses in mind.
To make our resources as easy to understand as possible and to avoid overwhelming our audience, we aim to provide enough detail to help in the majority of situations, rather than comprehensive detail for all situations. For more detail we link to the relevant government agencies’ websites and sometimes private sector websites.
The information available on, or through this website includes information provided by the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) and information provided by third parties (providers of information). This information is intended to provide general business information to the public. The information on should not be your only source of business information. We recommend you seek professional advice as appropriate.
Choose Business Structure is an online tool provided by the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment that helps you decide which business structure might best suit your business needs. It provides an indication of the most common structures and which structure might work for your particular scenario.
The Compliance Matters tool helps make managing government compliance easy. The information provided in this search tool should be used as general guidance only, intended to provide business information to the public current only as at the date and time of the search. It should not be used as a substitute for legal, business, accounting, tax or other professional advice.
The Employee Cost Calculator (ECC) helps give business owners a ballpark figure of what hiring a new employee might cost. The information provided in the ECC is intended to be used as an indicative guide aimed to provide general business information to the public current only as at the date and time of the calculation request and does not represent legal advice.
The Employment Agreement Builder helps you create written agreements for everyone you employ. The information provided in the Employment Agreement Builder (EAB) tool is intended, when used correctly, to provide a lawful employment agreement. It is the responsibility of the user to provide a secure email address to send a completed agreement to.
Kiwi Business Boost is an online tool provided by the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) that helps to deliver events and information to suit your business needs.
ONECheck is an online search tool provided by the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment that combines a company name, domain, trade mark and social media username search in one place. It provides an indication of names that may be available, but a name isn’t yours until you secure it through the appropriate channels.
The Workplace Policy Builder (WPB) helps you create written policies for your employees. The information provided in WPB tool is intended, when used correctly, to provide a lawful workplace policy. It is the responsibility of the user to provide a secure email address to send a completed agreement to.