If you want your business to do good, you’ll need to know if you’re succeeding. What good are you doing? How much? Can you do more? Are you doing any harm? Learn how to choose and develop measures for your business, and think about how to keep records.
You need to know what you’re doing well and how you could improve when creating your positive change in the world. That way, you can show your investors, staff, funders and customers what difference you’re making, so they want to keep supporting you.
Many businesses track their activities and outputs, eg number of workshops run, products sold or customers served. Finding out the difference you make is about tracking what happened because of those activities (outcomes) and outputs. This tracking is sometimes called measuring your impact.
Keep track of what you’re doing, rather than relying on random feedback. You’ll need measures: markers or clues (sometimes called indicators). For example:
Decide which outcomes are most important to measure, then pick measures for those outcomes. An outcome is a positive change you want to make in people’s lives or for the planet. Measuring your outcomes helps you truly know what difference you’re making. Identify different measures for different outcomes.
When you choose measures, make sure you’re measuring things that you have influenced directly. For example, if you run a course on getting jobs, the number of course participants who get jobs would be a direct measure, but the country’s unemployment rate would not be, since not everyone who wants a job will attend your course.
You don’t have to pick perfect measures from the start. You can change what and how you measure as your business and impact grow. Start with a few good measures, rather than a long list of measures you might struggle with.
Use measures that show the positive change you’re making (your outcomes). Having evidence that you are creating positive outcomes can persuade others to support your business, eg give you money or work for you.
Choose measures that meet the criteria below:
Be clear about what you’re measuring
Make sure outcomes can really be measured or counted
Relate each measure to an outcome you want to achieve
Decide when to measure
Focus on what you’re doing, instead of what you’re not doing
Measure what’s happened because of what you’ve done, not what you did to achieve it
Get inspired by looking at measures from other businesses that do good, especially if their purposes are similar to yours. Start by browsing their annual reports or impact reports.
Aleks Nedeljkovic, Director of Impact Consulting at Ākina Foundation
Answer the questions below to identify and improve your measures. The number of measures depends on your impact model, but four or five is a good number to aim for.
The questions work like this:
Developing your business and impact models
You could pick three or four priority outcomes: the most important outcomes in your impact model. These are the outcomes that show the change you’re making and if you’re doing a great job.
If you pick too many outcomes, measuring your impact can be complex and time consuming.
For each outcome, pick one or two things that can show how well you're achieving that outcome.
Collect different types of information. Numbers can show the size of your change (eg number of people who get jobs after completing your course). Feedback can show the quality of your change (eg what participants say about what it meant to them to find a job).
Think about the details of what you’ll measure. For example, will you distinguish between people who choose to work part-time and people who work part-time because they cannot get full-time work?
You could get your staff to collect information about their everyday work. For example, you could ask your staff to record how many phone calls and texts they get or how many people they help.
Or you could survey people or research publicly available information. If you’ll measure something by asking someone a question, write the question you’ll ask and who you’ll ask. If you’ll be asking the question in a survey, record how people will answer (eg using a 5-point scale, free-text or multiple-choice answers).
However you get your information, think about these things:
Think about what you can compare your information with. If you’ll use information from another source, record that source here.
If someone else is collecting similar information to you and you could compare yours with theirs, write that down. For example, if you and another organisation both help people find work, see what their success rate is. If theirs is very different to yours, you might want to see what you’re doing or measuring differently.
Write down how often you’ll gather this information. Collecting it should be:
How often you collect information is especially important for surveys. If you survey too often, people may get tired of your surveys and stop responding.
If you have to allow time for something to work, think about how long that’s likely to be. For example, if you coach people on how to behave in job interviews, allow time for them to attend interviews before measuring the outcome.
Record where you’ll save the information, so you can find it easily when you have to. Make sure the information is secure, especially if you save personal information.
Aleks Nedeljkovic, Director of Impact Consulting at Ākina Foundation
Mohammed wants to help people in Auckland get jobs. He wants to run two-day workshops on how to look for job ads, write CVs and cover letters, and make a good impression at interviews. As he sets up his business, he thinks about how to measure the difference he makes.
Use our template to answer the above questions and sketch out your measures.
Save the information you collect in a way that works for you and your team. What exactly you save depends on how you intend to use the information. Here are three options to think about. You can use them together or separately.
Think about these main advantages and disadvantages of notebooks.
Think about these main advantages and disadvantages of spreadsheets.
Think about these main advantages and disadvantages of databases or software designed for customer relationship management.
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