Remaining calm and knowing what to do when things get stressful can be hard. Nerves can get in the way of you performing at your best. Someone could get worked up and make a discussion difficult.
But we can get better at responding to pressure. Join The Wellbeing Works as they share tips for performing well under pressure, remaining calm and calming others.
Wellbeing is more than being happy, and resilience is more than bouncing back from challenges. Wellbeing expert Kim Tay explains the two concepts and tells us why they matter.
Pressure and stress are part of life, but we can manage them better with meditation, visualisation, and positive self-talk. Performance coach Todd Astle tells us how.
Getting upset sometimes is part of being human. When we’re upset, we stop thinking clearly, and may say or do things we regret. Conflict management expert Stephanie Rumble shares five great tips on calming down in a conflict situation.
Knowing how to calm someone down in a conflict situation is a valuable skill. Conflict management expert Stephanie Rumble gives us three practical tips.
Practising meditation, visualisation and positive self-talk boosts energy and clears thinking. Use the worksheet on this page to get started, or print it out for later.
Giving feedback can be tricky, but making it about the situation, behaviour and effect can sometimes help. Print out these tips and put them on your wall.
Some people are great at thinking on their feet and coping with anything that life throws their way. But no matter how good we are, we can all do better. Find out how you perform under pressure and tips to get better at it.
(5-10 minutes)