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Managing stress and feelings of overwhelm

Slides from the webinar presented by Dr Addie Wootten, CEO of Smiling Mind.

Presentation slides

Webinar: Managing stress during tax time with Dr Addie Wootten

Webinar: Managing stress during tax time with Dr Addie Wootten


Slide 1 content

Stress is the response we may experience when presented with demands and pressures that are not matched to our knowledge, abilities, or resources and which challenge our ability to cope. It is an emotional experience associated with nervousness, tension and strain.

Slide 2 content: Stress

  • Inevitable and natural
  • Is a normal response to danger and threat
  • Motivating
  • Drives performance

Slide 3 content

“Image of a hand holding a piece of paper with a tiger shape cut into it”

Slide 4 content: Red Zone

  • Hyperarousal
  • Excessive busyness
  • Hypervigilance
  • Excessive thinking (dominated attention)
  • Narrow focus of attention
  • Defensiveness/reactivity
  • Problem saturation
  • Excessive judgement 

Slide 5 content: Green Zone

  • Rest/fun
  • Nurturing
  • Open awareness
  • Growth and interaction
  • Empathy
  • Flow
  • Vitality
  • Flow
  • Vitality
  • Presence
  • Concentration/memory

Slide 6 content: Red to Green

An image of a pedestrian traffic light showing a red man for "don't walk" and green man for "walk", both illuminated.

Slide 7 content: The S-T-O-P technique

Stop – what you’re doing, put things down for a minute

Take – a few breaths

Observe – your experience just as it is

Proceed – with something that will support you in the moment – e.g. talk to a friend, rub your shoulders, have a cup of tea.

Slide 8 content: Let’s think about stress more proactively

The words "Let’s think about stress more proactively" with a graphic of a brain lifting a weight.

Slide 9 content: Wise words

“Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.”  - Victor E. Frankl

Slide 10 content: Emotions

  • Important.
  • Good vs bad emotions.
  • The role of thoughts.
  • Managing more effectively.

Slide 11 content: Mindful Mindset

  • Two helpful attitudes we can bring to our mindfulness practice and life.
  • Non judgemental: Creating space from our constant judging and move into observer mode.
  • Letting go: unhooking from thoughts.

Slide 12 content: Stress and our lifestyle

Exercise, social connection & Sleep is essential for our wellbeing.

Social connection and asking for help

  • Planning, getting support, knowing your strengths and getting help for areas that you know you might need help with (ie Tax!).


  • Find the right sleep rhythm for you between 6 10 hours a night.
  • Prioritise your sleep.
  • Reduce stimulates (alcohol, caffeine, screen time..).
  • If your mind is keeping you awake set aside some‘worry time’ throughout the day so you can write down your concerns and come back to them at another time.
  • Put your phone away (in another room).

Slide 13 content: Practice tools


  • Notice judgements and see if you can be open, curious and kind.
  • Practice letting go/letting be each day as best you can.


  • S-T-O-P technique.


  • Mindfulness prompts and using the app.

Slide 14 content: End screen

Purple/blue background with white, boldened text stating “Thank you for joining”.

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Samaritans 0800 726 666

Helplines(external link) — Mental Health Foundation

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