Video transcript: Introduction to business planning
[Audio/ Visual: Gentle music starts playing with blue introduction screen with white logo in the centre of the screen. The word “presents” in smaller, thinner lettering is beneath the logo. These words disappear and are replaced with white text “How to prepare a business plan”. This disappears. White text saying “Introduction to business planning” appears in the centre of the screen. Music continues to play throughout the entire video.]
[Visual: The screen changes to a shot of the presenter, seated at a dining table with a lounge visible in the background. In the bottom right is the white logo which remains there until the end of the video.]
Welcome to our four-part series on how to prepare a business plan. In this video, we’ll discuss what a business plan is and why you need one. In the next three videos, we’ll briefly talk through how to prepare one using our free template.
[Visual: The words “Download our template” and url “” appear on the left side of screen with an animated download icon. All disappear after a few seconds.]
[Visual: The screen cuts to a shot of stationery and a laptop on the dining table. The white text “What is a business plan” pops up on the screen.]
A business plan is a document that sets out details about:
[Visual: We see the presenter for a second and then a blue background fades up. Two white lines split the screen into four even squares. In order, text graphics of the words “Business”, “Market”, “Plan” and “Financials” and icons of a hand shake, pie graph, clipboard checklist and a coin falling into an open hand appear on screen as the presenter speaks.]
- your business
- your market
- your plan to achieve your goals, and
- your financial situation.
[Visual: The screen changes to a shot of the presenter, seated at a dining table with a lounge visible in the background.]
A business plan is a living document. You prepare it, and check it regularly to make sure you’re on track.
[Visual: Screen zooms in to show the presenter at a slightly closer angle.]
You can update it as needed, for example, if you want to change the product or service you offer, or grow your business.
[Visual: Screen zooms out to show the presenter as a slightly wider angle.]
Every business benefits from a business plan. It doesn’t matter if you’re just starting your business or have an established business. A business plan helps you see where you’re going. It’s like a map.
[Visual: As the presenter speaks, the screen pans across to show the presenter on the right-hand side of the screen and text appears on the left side of screen with the words;
“A business plan is a roadmap”
The text disappears after a couple of seconds. The screen pans across to show to the presenter in the centre of the screen.]
If you’re going somewhere new, you need a map of some kind, or you might end up going around in circles.
[Visual: Screen zooms in to show the presenter at a slightly closer angle.]
Similarly, running a business without a plan might mean you take a long, windy route to reach your goals, wasting time, money and energy.
[Visual: Screen zooms out to show the presenter as a slightly wider angle. A blue background fades up. In order, text graphics of the words “Build a business that suits you”, “Reflect on your strengths and weaknesses”, “Identify opportunities and threats”, “Stay focused” and “Use your time and money efficiently” and icons of a hand shake, hand holding a dumbbell, target circle, magnifying glass and an hour glass appear on screen as the presenter speaks.]
Planning helps you:
- build a business that suits you and your lifestyle
- reflect on your strengths and weaknesses
- identify opportunities and threats
- stay focused instead of reacting to what’s around you, and
- use your time and money efficiently.
[Visual: The screen cuts to a shot of stationery and a laptop on the dining table. The text “Preparing a business plan” pops up in the centre of the screen.]
But how do you prepare a business plan?
[Visual: The screen cuts to a shot of the presenter, seated at a dining table with a lounge visible in the background.]
We have a template you can use.
[Visual: Screen zooms out to show the presenter at a slightly wider angle.]
Select the link on this page or download the Word file directly by typing the link
[Visual: As the presenter speaks, the screen pans across to show the presenter on the right-hand side of the screen and text appears on the left side of screen with the words “Download our template” and url “” appear on screen with an animated download icon. All disappear after a few seconds. Screen changes to show the presenter in the centre of the screen at a close angle.]
Business planning isn’t hard.
[Visual: As the presenter speaks, the screen pans across to show the presenter on the right-hand side of the screen.]
Just remember that:
- You don’t need all the details before you start. The template guides you on what to think about and what information to get.
- You don’t have to prepare the whole plan at once. Put aside time in your diary to do a little each week.
- Your plan doesn’t have to be perfect. Start, and refine it as you go.
- You don’t have to be a great writer. A business plan is about planning, not about words.
[Visual: As the presenter speaks, text appears as a list on the left side of screen with the words;
“You don’t need all the details
Complete sections in stages
Do a little each week
Start and refine your plan later
It’s about planning, not words”
All text disappears after the bullet points have been read.]
We’ll pause here so you can download the template.
[Visual: The screen zooms in to show the presenter at a closer angle. The words “Download our template” and url “” appear on the left-hand side of the screen with an animated download icon and stay on screen.]
Come back when you’re done – we’d love to work through the plan with you. See you soon!
[Visual: Blue outro screen appears with the white logo in the centre of the screen. This logo disappears and the Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment logo appears on the left-hand side and the Te Kāwanatanga o Aotearoa, New Zealand Government logo appears on the right-hand side of the screen.
[Video ends]