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Getting started
Getting started
Taking the first steps
Taking the first steps
Questions to ask yourself before you start
10-step guide to starting a business
How to research your market and competitors
Buying a business or franchise
Registering with government agencies
Choosing the right business structure
Choosing the right business structure
Business structure overview
Starting a company
Starting a partnership
Other business structures
Sole trader guide
Sole trader guide
Becoming a sole trader
Sole trader checklist
Tax 101 for sole traders
Funding and other government help
Business planning tools and tips
Business planning tools and tips
Introduction to business planning
Business planning e-learning
How to write a business plan
When business planning is right for you
Getting business planning advice
Keeping track of key metrics
How to be environmentally sustainable
What is sustainable business
Business milestones and how we can help
Building a brand
Building a brand
Creating your brand
Choosing a business name
Developing your unique selling point
Getting an online presence
Strengthening your online presence
Funding your business
Funding your business
How much money do you need to start a business?
Choosing the right types of funding
Borrowing money
Getting investors on board
Advice and governance
Advice and governance
Types of advice you’ll need
How business advisors can help
Getting financial advice
Boards and directors
Questions your board will ask
Advice for contractors
Advice for contractors
What to consider before you starting contracting
Managing your finances
Insurance cover for contractors
What to watch out for in contracts
Finding contracting work
What you need to know if you have multiple jobs
How to grow
How to grow
Boosting sales
Boosting sales
Marketing and sales
Exhibiting at trade shows
Tips for tendering
Intellectual property protection
Intellectual property protection
What is intellectual property
Types of intellectual property
Why intellectual property is important
Simple steps to protect your intellectual property
When to consider intellectual property
Preparing for intellectual property advice
Defending your intellectual property
Protecting your intellectual property overseas
Growth and innovation
Growth and innovation
Test if you are ready to grow
Fostering innovation
Teaming up with other businesses
Getting government grants
Getting government grants
What can I get help with?
Grants and help for your new business
Grants and help for your established business
Free government support and services
Manufacturing overseas
10 tips before you import
Importers and the Customs Service
Biosecurity for importers
What you need to know about exporting
Create a good export plan
Understand different ways to ship and distribute
Government agencies can help when you export
Planning to exit
Planning to exit
What to do when selling your business
Stepping back from your business
Regional Business Partner Network
Regional Business Partner Network
New Zealand business support
Service providers
Find your local Regional Business Partner
Tax and accounting
Tax and accounting
Business finance basics
Business finance basics
Introduction to business finance
Finance tips to help your business
Getting paid on time
Cash flow forecasting
Depreciation: how to spread the cost of your assets
What to do if your business is operating at a loss
Basic tax types
Basic tax types
Introduction to taxes and levies
Income tax and provisional tax
ACC levies
Tax when you have employees
Tax when you have employees
Payroll deductions
Employer superannuation contribution tax (ESCT)
Fringe benefit tax (FBT)
Employee allowances
Reducing your tax
Reducing your tax
How to reduce your tax bill
Claiming expenses
Tax time tips
Tax time tips
How to make tax time easier
Keeping tax records
Systems that can help at tax time
How to fix tax mistakes
Closing down
Closing down
Warning signs of trouble ahead
Is closing your business the right choice?
Closing your business
Insolvency and involuntary closure
Hiring and managing people
Hiring and managing people
Deciding to hire
Deciding to hire
When you should hire staff
Hiring the right staff types
See how much an employee will cost
How to become an employer
Alternatives to hiring an employee
Hiring people
Hiring people
Overview of the hiring process
Advertising positions and interviewing applicants
Recruitment options for your business
Minimum wage and fair pay
What to do when making a job offer
How to create an employment agreement
What you need to know about trial and probation periods
How to hire fixed term/casual employees
How to hire overseas workers
Employing your spouse or partner
To-do list before your employee starts
Handling holidays and leave
Handling holidays and leave
Introduction to holidays and leave
Paying your employees for leave
Managing annual leave for your team
Public holidays
Sick leave
Helping staff with bereavement leave
Helping staff with domestic violence leave
Parental leave
How to manage unpaid leave
Managing people day to day
Managing people day to day
How to set up a new employee
Your employee's first day/week
What do I need to do when record keeping
Things to know when paying your employees
Handling taxes with bonuses and benefits
Advice on flexible working arrangements
What you need to know about policies and procedures
Steps to take when managing misconduct
Best practice for an age-diverse workplace
Accommodation for workers
Getting the best from people
Getting the best from people
Performance appraisals
Training and development options for your team
Assess skills in your business
Government help with training
Steps to take when handling poor performance
How you can resolve employment issues
What to do when restructuring your business
Ending employment
Ending employment
What to do when an employee resigns
Employee retirement
What to do when making someone redundant
Dismissal or termination
Your checklist for when an employee leaves
Do business online
Do business online
Get tailored e-commerce advice
Planning to do business online
Improving your online business
Building your website or online store
Advertising to online customers
Strengthening relationships with customers
Orders and deliveries
Digital Boost
Doing business for good
Doing business for good
Doing business for good - an overview
Making a difference with your purpose-led business
Developing your business and impact models
Building the foundation for your purpose-led business
Measuring the impact of your purpose-led business
Getting investment for your purpose-led business
Risks and operations
Risks and operations
Health and safety
Health and safety
Health and safety basics
How to assess health and safety risks
What is 'reasonably practicable'
Plans, tools and learning from incidents
Worker engagement and participation
Great toolbox talks
How to approach workers about a health and safety issue
Protect your retail shop with a fog cannon
What to expect from WorkSafe visits
Planning for the unexpected (BCP)
Planning for the unexpected (BCP)
Emergency planning for businesses
Continuity and contingency planning
In an emergency
IT risk and avoiding scams
IT risk and avoiding scams
Storing and backing up data
Protecting business data
Protecting customer and employee information
Avoiding scams and fraud
What to do if you've been hacked
Dealing with customer complaints
Dealing with customer complaints
When customers complain
Understanding consumer laws
Reducing risk of complaints
Fair returns and complaints policies
What you need to tell customers
Training staff to handle complaints
Equipment, premises and assets
Equipment, premises and assets
Choosing where to work
Leasing or buying premises
Common business assets checklists
Introduction to managing assets
Resource Management Act for business
Exploring manufacturing options
Importing and exporting laws
Reduce your risk as a supplier
Extreme weather: Information for businesses
Tips for tradies
Government e-services
Business performance
Business performance
Management and leadership
Management and leadership
Assess your management and leadership skills
Improve your management and leadership: Overview
How to communicate and give feedback
How to be a good leader
Leadership styles and when to use them
How to motivate your staff
Managing people's performance
Performance issues: What to check
Shaping your work culture
Strategic finance
Strategic finance
Strategic finance overview
How to read financial statements
Use numbers to tell your business story
Financial models that can help you succeed
Metrics that can help your cash flow
What to know when exploring funding options
Operations strategy
Operations strategy
Operations strategy overview
Improving operational efficiency and innovation
Ensuring capacity matches demand
Managing inventory
Quality matters: understand and improve quality
Knowing your networks: supply and distribution
Directors and governance
Directors and governance
Governance overview
What governance is and why it’s important
Laying the groundwork for good governance
What it means to be a good director
Governance: Key things to review if you do it yourself
Structured governance — boards
Business strategy
Business strategy
Business strategy at a glance
An introduction to business strategy
Looking outwards at your market
Looking inwards at your business
Creating your own space
Turning strategy into action
Marketing strategy
Marketing strategy
Marketing strategy overview
How marketing sets you up for success
Get to know your customers
What your customers want and how they think
Build a brand your customers will love
Use insights to sell the right thing in the best place
How to set the right price
Find the best way to promote your business
New Zealand Business Performance Panel
Healthy business checklist
Wellbeing support
Wellbeing support
Mental health and wellbeing support
Managing your own wellbeing
Managing your own wellbeing
Resilience: Tips for small business owners
Boss burnout: Spot warning signs in yourself
Owner-operators: Tips to beat isolation
Money and your mental health
Working solo: Tips to stay mentally well
Impostor syndrome: Feeling like a fraud
Wellbeing in your business
Wellbeing in your business
Why workplace wellbeing is important
Problem sharing and solving
Preventing burnout
Talking with your team about uncertain times
Looking after your employees
Creating your wellbeing workplace policy
Wellbeing webinars
Brave in business e-learning
Data for business
Healthy business checklist
E-learning courses
Extreme weather: Information for businesses
Tools and resources
Older workers toolkit
Sole trader toolkit
Starting a business
Going contracting
Regional Business Partner Network
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