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Exporting military and related dual-use items

You need a permit to export:

  • firearms
  • military goods and technologies
  • certain chemicals
  • dual-use goods — this means goods and technologies with civilian applications but which can also be used in the production and development of conventional, nuclear, chemical or biological weapons and their means of delivery.
  • The export of goods, software and technologies which are not listed in the New Zealand Strategic Goods List, but which may be intended for use relating, directly or indirectly, to a military end-use which “materially enables or supports operations or functions of a military or internal security nature”. Military end-use in this context applies to military, paramilitary, police and militia forces. Some countries are exempt from catch-all controls.

Under the Customs and Excise Act 2018, the export of military and related dual-use goods — and the import of certain chemicals — is prohibited unless a permit has been obtained from the Secretary of Foreign Affairs and Trade.

Controlled goods and technologies are listed in The New Zealand Strategic Goods List on the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade website — click the Do it online button.

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