How to protect your business online

Over half of New Zealand businesses experience IT security attacks at least once a year. But many feel they don’t have the right tools and policies to keep themselves safe.

The digital landscape is constantly changing and the cloud, social media and mobile technology bring with them a range of business safety issues.

Cyber attacks can come in many forms and wreak havoc on your business. Common threats include:

  • online financial fraud
  • information theft or misuse
  • attempts to crash your computer systems, critical infrastructure and essential services.

Unfortunately there is no one solution and having a firewall is just the beginning. Keeping your business safe is about being informed and taking a range of actions to protect your and your clients’ transactions and data. And with so many people running their businesses from a phone in their pocket, it’s important to protect all your devices.

Connect Smart for businesses

The government takes cyber security seriously and has set up the Connect Smart website to give New Zealanders reliable cyber security information and resources. Connect Smart has practical steps to help protect your business, employees and customers online. It also has tips for establishing a cyber-safe culture in your organisation, and a toolkit designed especially for small to medium businesses.

Cyber security for businesses(external link) — CERT NZ

Which digital clan are you in?

A great place to start is to find out where you’re currently at, as your attitudes and online practices will have an impact on your risk profile.

Encourage your staff to take the How Cyber Smart are you? Quiz on the Connect Smart website and pick up some tips you can use to make your business safer today.

How Cyber Smart are you?(external link) — Connect Smart

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