Help shape our content

Help shape our content

We want the website to work as hard as possible to help small business owners, operators and advisors.

Have your say on which tools and content we add next — vote for the options set out here, and send us your suggestions.

Online courses

Number of votes



In progress

We are thinking about developing several courses to help you build your knowledge and skills in different areas of business, eg health and safety. A course may be made up of reading material, videos, learning exercises and links to useful sites. Using the form on this page, send us your ideas on what topics and types of learning material would be most valuable to your business, and how you would like them delivered to you, eg weekly emails or an online portal.

Idea form

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Business advisors page

Number of votes



In progress

Do you provide professional advice and services to small businesses, eg an accountant or HR advisor? We are thinking about creating a section on our site just for you. This might include packaging up a selection of existing information and tools to use when you work with business owners and operators. It may also include current insights, research and trends on the small business community. Let us know what kinds of information would help you, using the form on this page.

Idea form

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Submission form

Step-by-step guide to growth

Number of votes



In progress

We’re thinking about creating a growth planning template. It will include helpful tips and walk you through key decisions involved in expanding your business into new regions or markets, or diversifying with new products and services. Using the form on this page, tell us what information would be valuable to you and what things you’re struggling with as your business grows.

Idea form

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Boost your business resilience

Number of votes



In progress

We are thinking about creating a new template to help small businesses plan for natural disasters and other unexpected events. The aim is to provide more tips and guidance on business continuity planning. This template might help you plan for a disaster and put steps in place to help you survive the unexpected. What sort of information would be useful for your in a business resilience template? Send us your ideas, using the form on this page.

Idea form

More advice on growth

Number of votes



In progress

We know business growth is an important area for many small businesses. We would like provide more free resources, tips and advice to help you identify opportunities and prepare for professional advice. What sort of information on growth and innovation would be most useful to you? Send us your ideas using the form on this page.

Idea form

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